I am a school teacher so my summer is over. I know some of you are saying, "Oh, you poor baby."
I allowed school to sneak up on me this year. I am teaching 6th grade Reading Language Arts again and I am ecstatic to be back with the older kids. Since we are talking about balance this week in the Gold Medal Dad Games, this is a perfect time for me to have this checklist to work on. Let's talk about my day today.
I woke up this morning and got ready. I woke up my catatonic son and forced him to go to the bathroom. He almost fell off the toilet while he was trying to stay awake. We left for the babysitter, where Bright crawled on the couch and went back to sleep.
We had meetings at school until lunch. My wife called and thankfully was having a fairly sick-free day. However, we are probably seeing a pregnancy specialist since my wife's pregnancy recently was upgraded to a high-risk pregnancy. As hard as my day was, hers I know was harder.
I was at school until about 5:00 and left for home. I got in, fixed Bright a drink and started on supper. Thank goodness I managed to have it ready at the exact time my wife got home so she didn't have to wait on it and could get something in her stomach.
Balance. Balance is what keeps things from crashing. Balance keeps things from breaking. If one side is heavier than the other, something is going to fall.
Growing up, my father would sometimes bring his "bad day" home from work. We could tell how the door would close if it was going to be a bad mood or a good mood. I swore then and there, that when I grew up I would leave work at work.
I can honestly say that I have done a good job of leaving the manager at the door and allowed the husband and Daddy to come home. I looked at my house as a retreat, an escape. I looked forward to going home to see my wife and play with my son. I enjoyed it so much that I left retail to become a teacher. I promised my wife that I would leave "Mr. Wood" at school and especially for my son's sake. I am his Daddy, not his educator. I thought I would allow my wife to tell you what she likes about how I separate work and home.
"I don't ever feel like Maury takes anything out on me because of a bad or good day. I never know if he had a good or bad day unless he tells me. He has a good work ethic, which is bad at times. When he was in retail, he wasn't able to contribute anything at home because of his workload and his need to finish his job. That was one of the reasons he had to leave because he was out of balance as far as home and work. Since him becoming a teacher, he is able to compartmentalize and balances family and work a lot better."
--Karen Wood
Any other advice, dear?
"Yes, use the time on the way home to let go of your day."--Karen Wood
This week, we will concentrate on our balancing act and making sure we are spending time with our families. To mention something from former weeks, also be sure to give your spouse her time too. She is part of the balancing act on the home side as well.
Remember, let's be the fathers God wants us to be and the Daddy our children need us to be.
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