Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 5: I found a good thing!

After completion of this week's Gold Medal Challenge, I technically won the Gold Medal for my efforts, but the winner was Brighton.  He had a blast and so did I.  We spend a lot of time together since I am a teacher and have summers off, but this week was a consorted effort to spend quality time together.  Next week's challenge for us Gold Medal Dads is Communicating with Mom.  Today's entry is going to be a preview of things to come this week and why this challenge is going to be easier than last week's.  It will also explain why I am a teacher today.

Let me start off by quoting a Bible verse.  Proverbs 18:22 says, "A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord."  I obtained my favor six years ago this June and my life is better because of it.

In this week's challenge, the Moms of our families are to take the forefront.  In all actuality, this week should be the easiest competition of your life.  If you look at this list and say to yourself, "This is going to be tough," then shame on you.  I only sound condescending because I only recently realized how I need to be acting.  My wife and the mother of my children should be honored in my house on a daily basis.  Especially for what she's done and does for me.  Let's go back a few years.

While we were dating, I worked as Assistant Editor at our town's local newspaper.  I was also the lead reporter, mainly because I was the only reporter.  We got a small town, OK.  Anyways, they laid me off on a Friday afternoon, about an hour before we were supposed to leave.  Clear out of the blue, no warnings.  I'm not bitter or anything, ;).  Actually, God had a plan.  Without that job, writing would not be something I like to do in my spare time and I would not be writing to you.

Well, a friend of mine got me an interview at a new retail store that was about to open in our town.  When I was eighteen, I was a department manager at one of our town's grocery stores, so I had retail experience and I was desperate for anything.

I interviewed and was offered a job to be over their inventory.  I took it and my days of working 8-5 Monday through Friday was over.  It was a good job and the Lord blessed me.  I worked hard and was promoted to Assistant Manager and pretty much doubled my pay, six months before Karen and I were to be married.  Fervent prayers, people!!

I was really enjoying my job (and the pay) when Karen and I got married.  We were able to honeymoon in Europe and had a blast.  That was June of 2006.

In November of 2007, Karen wasn't feeling well and called me at the store.  Little did we know that the miracle of life had already been working for about seven weeks at that point and Brighton began his journey into existence.  We knew our lives would be changed forever, but little did we know how much.

In August of 2008, Brighton was born and we were a happy family.  I was in the middle of another promotion during the week of his birth.  Seriously, I was taking classes Monday through Thursday, and I missed my graduation on Friday due to his birth.  Would you believe I almost had some issues getting off for my son's birth?

Life was good and Mama and Brighton were doing great.  Then, I was transferred to a store that needed my help to improve...that was an hour away.  I would leave the house at seven every morning and work until 6:30 p.m., putting me home at about 7:30 each night.  That was if traffic was not that bad.

One day, I was asked by my manager (who lived five minutes from the store) to work a double shift at the store.  That was 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m..  Needless to say, I was steamed.  I was missing out on time with my son and having to cover for other people's mistakes was taking away even more time.  So, I had to call Karen and tell her the news, again.  Yeah, this had happened more than once.  This time, our phone conversation was different.

Maury:  Hey Dear, I have to work until 10:30 again tonight.

Karen:  (silence)

Maury:  Did you hear me?  I'm sorry...

Karen:  You're done...

Maury:  I know...I'm worn out...

Karen:  No, you're done with __________ (company)

Maury:  (silence)  What do you mean?

Karen:  I don't know, but we're going to do something...I love you.

Maury:  I love you, too.

I hung up on my cell and just sat there.  What did she mean we were done with them?  What were we going to do?  I couldn't just quit my job.  That was a good bit of salary I was walking away from?  Little did I know in the next few months that my wife would make the ultimate sacrifice for our family as far as she was concerned and never say a negative thing about it.

To make a long story short, I quit the following July and started college again, completing and graduating with my teaching degree in May of 2010.  All the while, with no job.

I am about to start my third year of teaching and hopefully, this year I will continue my high test scores.  Every day, I set out to be the best teacher in my school because I have someone who gave up what she wanted so that I could be home more.

I tell you this because not many, if any, know the sacrifice my wife made or continues to makes.

In my opinion, there is nothing I could ever do to make it up to her.  When I was at that company, our justification of my working there was she would eventually be able to stay at home.  How do you think that makes me feel that I dangled that carrot in front of her and haven't been able to deliver?  I honestly feel like a terrible husband.  I work my tail off each and every day in an attempt to make it up to her.

She is pregnant with our second child and I was up with her last night at 1:30 because I didn't want her sitting up in bed sick to her stomach and watching her husband asleep peacefully.  I just sat there, rubbing her back and asking if I could do anything.  I even prayed that God would give me some of the uncomfortable feelings so she could at least sleep.

Someday, I would like to fulfill her dream and be able to say, "Karen, you don't have to work anymore.  You can stay home with the kids."  It just...for lack of a better  I'm starting work on my Master's in August and hopefully in a few years will be a principal.  Who knows, I could be writing books and making the big bucks, lol??

So, this week, I want you to sit down and think of everything your wife, the mother of your kids, does around your house without a word of complaint.  It's a lot.  It's a WHOLE lot.

I challenge you Dads out there to do this list every week, not just this week.  Without our wives, we wouldn't be Dads.

Some of you might not have a Mom in the picture for one reason or another.  God bless you for taking your role of Daddy seriously and being both parents to your kids.  I salute you and you will be in my prayers.

Remember to be the Fathers God wants you to be and the Daddy your children need you to be.

My hero and my wife, Karen, with her boys.

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